
Can I plant Vanilla Strawberry™ Panicle Hydrangea in a decorative container?

Vanilla Strawberry™ Panicle Hydrangea shrub in a decorative container


Thanks so much for reaching out to talk about planting Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea in a decorative pot. This would be a great idea for a year or two, but ultimately this plant turns into a large shrub. If you’re looking for a short-term beautification in pots and want to plant it in the ground or dispose of it after a season or two, then Vanilla Strawberry would be a beautiful option.

If you’re hoping to keep the hydrangea in a pot year-after-year, I’d suggest the newest panicle hydrangea introduction, Little Hottie®, which stays much more compact than Vanilla Strawberry. If you want to keep the hydrangea in your pot for the following season, you can bring it into an unheated garage or basement (and give about a cup of water per month during their dormant season), or to a protected area outside so it doesn’t get hit with too much temperature fluctuations or wind. Once you pass your final frost, you can bring the pot back outside to start waking up for the next season. Make sure to check out our tips for using your First Editions® in containers for even more information!