How big are Summer Crush® Hydrangeas when they arrive?

Thanks for your question about ordering Summer Crush® Hydrangeas from us! Right now you can purchase a #1, #2, and #3 size container. A #1 Container is a plant that is generally 1.5-3 years old and is potted in a 1.0-gallon pot (3.8L). A #2 Container is 2-4 years old and potted in a 2.0-gallon pot (7.51L). And a #3 Container is generally 2-3 years old and potted in a 3-gallon pot (11.34L). How big the plants are when you received them depends on the time of the year the plant is ordered. As it’s still early spring, the plants that are being shipped out are most likely lush and full of green leaves, but may not yet have the gorgeous blooms we all love so much. Make sure to check out our tips for buying Endless Summer® Hydrangeas for more helpful information.