Blossoming Questions

Do you recommend dividing Endless Summer Hydrangeas and if so what time of the year do you recommend?
We just purchased Endless Summer Summer Crush. We want the blooms to be the color shown on the tag. The color range indicator shows the more acidic the soil, the darker the blooms while the more alkaline the soil, the lighter the blooms. What should the soil PH level be to get the color shown on the tag?
Why do my hydrangea turn a dull color by early August?
When do I prune my Strawberry Sundae hydrangea?
What is the reason my hydrangeas aren’t blooming?
How do I winterize my endless summer hydrangeas? I live in zone 4 and it gets very cold here.
Which hydrangea are better in AM shade and PM sunny?
I have 3 of the Original Endless Summer hydrangeas planted. 2 of the plants have blooms that have turned brown and completely dried out. Should I prune these off and how should I do that?
I have Summer Crush hydrangea that is 24-36 inches. When it first flowers, they turned out a nice pink, just a month they changed like something is wrong. Any suggestions?
I have a First Edition Berry White Hydrangea. It’s new and was planted last fall and has beautiful blooms. But it keeps losing leaves. They turn…sort of a very dark yellow…but more brown, really and fall off. It have it on a drip system so I can adjust how much water it gets. I live in Zone 7 and it’s over 100 each day right now, so I am giving the plants on my drip about 20 mins. of water a day. Not sure what to do? It is getting too much or note enough water?
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