Blossoming Questions

I am getting ready to plant my Berry White hydrangeas. Should they be mulched?
Purchased two Tiger Eyes Sumac Staghorn plants and I want to transplant them into container pots. How do I treat the root balls which are not holding much water from original containers. Do I cut into the root balls to rid the dry soil or just loosen and leave the original soil on the plants? Will garden soil plant material in sacks be a good medium for new planting? I can add to garden soil with cedar grove or fertilize.
Why do my hydrangea turn a dull color by early August?
What is the reason my hydrangeas aren’t blooming?
Just bought Hydrangea Light-o-Day. Does it need any specific soil requirements. My soil is a bit clay so I was going to add peat.
Which hydrangea are better in AM shade and PM sunny?
I have a First Edition Berry White Hydrangea. It’s new and was planted last fall and has beautiful blooms. But it keeps losing leaves. They turn…sort of a very dark yellow…but more brown, really and fall off. It have it on a drip system so I can adjust how much water it gets. I live in Zone 7 and it’s over 100 each day right now, so I am giving the plants on my drip about 20 mins. of water a day. Not sure what to do? It is getting too much or note enough water?
I bought five hydrangeas two months ago and all but one are doing great. They are planted in the same garden but the one has barely grown since I bought it while the others are flourishing. Any suggestions?
Purchased First Editions Vanilla Strawberry hydrangea tree almost 2 weeks ago. Planted it on the ground, full sun (morning)area. Now, the bottom leaves are turning yellow. I make sure that soil doesn’t get dry. What to do?
What are the dark spots on the leaves of my hydrangea?
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