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Blossoming Questions
I received hydrangea this past spring for my birthday in May. Do I need to cover it for the winter?
Why my hydrangea seems it’s dying (leaves are turning yellow) after I planted it in my backyard. It was absolutely great while in the pot. I water it every other day but see no sign of improvement.
I have my hydrangeas in pots and am moving in October. Is that too late to plant them in the ground at my new home? Would it be better to keep them inside the house, basement or garage for the winter and plant in the spring?
What do you mean by mulching in the winter time to protect the early buds. My plant is 3 foot tall- do mean mulch the top of the dirt?
Do you recommend dividing Endless Summer Hydrangeas and if so what time of the year do you recommend?
How do I winterize my endless summer hydrangeas? I live in zone 4 and it gets very cold here.
I have 3 of the Original Endless Summer hydrangeas planted. 2 of the plants have blooms that have turned brown and completely dried out. Should I prune these off and how should I do that?
How do I sign up for text messages for my Berry White and Endless Summer hydrangeas?
My endless summer hydrangeas are beautiful, but the blooms seem so big and heavy, they lay on the ground. I water them everyday or every other day. Should I wrap the bottom of the plant in twine so they don’t lay on the ground? Thanks!
Did cutting flowers last year in the fall to dry in vases cause my hydrangeas to not produce any flowers this year?