We planted a Shining Sensation™ Weigela about a month ago & it’s doing well. However, it has stopped blooming & no sign of any upcoming blooms. The person at the nursery said it would bloom on & off all summer. It’s in partial sun – healthy except for not blooming.

Shrubs (and perennials) typically take up to 3 years to become established. During that time they are developing strong root systems to support the future top growth. While it will certainly flower even in its first year the blooms will not be as prolific as they will be in a couple more years.
Shining Sentation™ Weigela is a wonderful shrub that I especially love for the chocolate foliage which not only adds variety to the green foliage in the garden but also acts as a great foil for the rich pink blooms. You can expect this to bloom prolifically during May and June and again intermittently through summer although not as much as that first flush. I think of these later blooms as a bonus.
So, to summarize, nothing is wrong. Your shrub just needs time to settle in.