Blossoming Questions

I just bought 2 Bloomstruck Hydrangeas. I know the tag says not to prune. However, should I cut off the spent blooms?
I just bought some BloomStruck Endless Summer hydrangeas. I always thought hydrangeas were blue or pink regards to the soils Ph. Now will the BloomStruck hydrangeas always be a purple color or will they turn blue or pink if I don’t have the correct Ph?
My hydrangea plants appear healthy each year however, they do not produce flowers. What to do?
I planted two Endless Summer hydrangeas and the leaves are turning yellow and not doing as well as the other two. I am not sure what to do.
Last April I bought Endless Summer hydrangeas Summer Crush – it had 2 blooms on it when I purchased it and only had 1 more bloom the rest of the year. What happened?
I live in North Carolina and would like to transplant 3 endless summer hydrangeas. Is this time of year ok to transplant?
Could you please let me know if I can grow hydrangeas in south florida? I loved them when I was in CT but do not know in South Florida.
I have a couple endless summer hydrangeas and they never bloom until end of Sept. early October. What do I need to do to get them to bloom earlier in the summer to be able to enjoy the blooms more than a month before a frost. I gave acidic fertilizer but maybe not doing it correctly or enough.
My hydrangeas are budding and leafing out. We’ve been having lovely weather but are expecting a hard Frost Friday night. Is there something I can do to protect them and do I need to?
What is the best hydrangea for shade and one that blooms a lot?
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