Blossoming Questions

Can raspberry endless summer grow in full afternoon sun?
The Summer Crush label says full sun but videos say not full sun. Can they be full sun?
My endless summer hydrangeas does not have any buds on it. What is wrong with it?
Which geranium has the largest bloom?
Where should I plant my hydrangeas?
I just bought 2 of “The Original” and noticed some of blooms are turning brown. I’m not sure if I’m adding too much water or not enough water. They are planted in containers with good drainage and the soil is moist. They now only get morning sun. I just moved them so they aren’t getting sun all day long. Suggestions would be appreciated! I live in NY.
How many hours of sun can hydrangeas take a day?

I planted my Endless Summer Hydrangea about 2 weeks ago and it did really well for the first week and now it’s becoming less and less healthy.
 When I planted the hydrangea the tag said it would tolerate full or partial sun, so I planted it an area that receives full sun for about 10 hours a day. I also put a small amount of the fertilizer into the hole. I have watered it well daily since i planted it. The leaves and blooms are turning purplish and then brown and dry. I trimmed the dead leaves and blooms off very carefully and it’s continuously declining.
I’m thinking I should transplant it to an area with more shade and am wondering if this would be ok to do if it’s done at a time of day that is not sunny and hot.
My Endless Summer hydrangea ‘The Original’ is placed in a location where it gets a lot of sun and by 6-7pm gets shade. How much sunlight can they handle?
About 3 weeks ago I planted summer crush hydrangeas in zone 5 in NE. Per you site and the tag it claims these plants can have full sun in zones 4-9. I planted these facing east and given the sun rise I believe they are getting about 8 hours of sun. Since it’s gotten a little warmer I’ve been noticing them drooping a little come the end of the sun time. They seem to re bound after they are in the shade and or I water, but I’m concerned since it will only get hotter here. Is this just b/c their are newly planted or should I be concerned I planted them in too much sun? Also, how much should I be watering them? Thanks
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