Blossoming Questions

Did cutting flowers last year in the fall to dry in vases cause my hydrangeas to not produce any flowers this year?
I have four Endless summer hydrangeas that are about 5 years old. Planted in various areas of sun to partial sun in our yard. I rarely get blooms. This year I got one bloom of all four plants. I cut them down in the fall as I thought this was the variety that bloomed on new wood. Is this the problem?
If the flowers are drooping to the ground, should I prop them up with supports?
My hydrangea blossoms are very large and are turning brownish and dropping some petals. Should I cut off the blossoms to encourage new blooms? Otherwise the plants appear healthy.
Should I cut off dried up blooms to promote more flowers?
Love hydrangeas but having a terrible time getting my shrubs to bloom They haven’t produced blooms in a few years I also bought some new ones this year and have them in containers I snipped the blooms off them when they faded and now the plants haven’t rebloomed. Would deadheading affect their ability to rebloom? I am considering leaving them in containers since I have had poor luck with my planted shrubs Any tips for containers? I desperately need some blooms!
Several of my new hydrangea bushes appear to be victims of someone either cutting and stealing blooms in the middle of the night, or some kind of animal eating the stems and dropping the flowers. I’ve looked for hoof or paw prints but the mulch is good for concealing any tell tale signs. What’s doing this to my plants and how do I prevent it? It breaks my heart!!!
Should I cut the almost dead flowers off?
First time with a summer crush hydrangea. Planted in most sun . Been 2 months doing great. Just wondering if should cut off the dead blooms. Or should I say discolored faded ones.?? They still look ok and I read on the tag. The less you prune the better ??? So just wasn’t sure??
Where on the endless summer stem do I cut the blooms when I want to use in vases or because the bloom is spent and needs to be removed?
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