Blossoming Questions

Several of my new hydrangea bushes appear to be victims of someone either cutting and stealing blooms in the middle of the night, or some kind of animal eating the stems and dropping the flowers. I’ve looked for hoof or paw prints but the mulch is good for concealing any tell tale signs. What’s doing this to my plants and how do I prevent it? It breaks my heart!!!
How and when do you prune hydrangeas?
When I bought my hydrangea they dropped good I planted them in a pot big enough for them, then the flowers started to die in turn brown some of the leaves turned brown. I moved them to a spot that had a little more sun, it didn’t help so I moved it back in front of the house which gets morning sun in till noon and I clipped off all the dead stuff, put some coffee grinds and more soil and the leaves are growing back to plant looks healthy my question is will I get flowers this summer or not till next summer?
Website says to fertilize in early spring or summer so does that mean you only fertilize one time? But it also says follow instructions on label, which mine says feed every 14 days. I bought the Scots company garden pro water soluble miracid acid loving plant food. So do I only do this once or do I feed every 14 days?
My Endless Summer Hydrangea bushes are producing smaller, but many, blooms. These bushes have always produced much larger blooms which I prefer. Is there something I can do to get the larger blooms again next year? I should state we were making the mistake of cutting these bushes down to the ground each fall, so were getting very few blooms. Last year we did not cut them back at all and I have plenty of blooms but small in size. Hoping there is a way to get lots of the big ones again!
My plant is mostly sticks with little greenery. What should I do?
The Summer Crush label says full sun but videos say not full sun. Can they be full sun?
My Endless summers are doing well but have branches sticking up that don’t have leaves or buds. Should I cut these branches?
Why do the blooms only flower around the edges and the buds not open in the middle?
My endless summer hydrangeas does not have any buds on it. What is wrong with it?
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