Blossoming Questions

I just bought 2 of “The Original” and noticed some of blooms are turning brown. I’m not sure if I’m adding too much water or not enough water. They are planted in containers with good drainage and the soil is moist. They now only get morning sun. I just moved them so they aren’t getting sun all day long. Suggestions would be appreciated! I live in NY.
My hydrangeas are looking droopy are they supposed to look like that?
How many hours of sun can hydrangeas take a day?
I have my hydrangea planted above ground in a large pot. I an trying to find out what I need to do with the plant during winter so it will come back in the spring. I have read the winter instructions but that is if the plant is planted in the ground and the roots are underground. With the plant in a pot the roots are above ground and is at more risk of root freezing. What can I do with this plant so it will come up again each year?
My hydrangea are wilting after too much sun followed by too much water in hope to correct the sun. How can I save them? Should I replant in larger pot? I have already moved it to a shady area to avoid direct sunlight.
I planted 5 hydrangeas and two have green wood beneath the soil, two have each one green leaf sprout. My fifth shows no sign of life! I did not cut wood down as they are only 12 inches as these were new plants – I do not see anything happening on the old wood. The buds are hard and dark brown (look dead) – they get morning sun until about 1 pm then are in the shade for the rest of the day – soil is moist but not wet and I’ve added fertilizer—is this normal for June? What else can I do to make them thrive?
Do I add acidic soil like a normal hydrangea?
I bought five hydrangeas two are doing excellent well maybe even 3. One of them is doing pretty good it’s got a bud that doesn’t seem to be doing anything but my problem is the fifth one has gone from a nice size green foliage to a little scraggly thing with new leaves but the original leaves were dying and damaged so I removed them I have included a picture can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong and what is wrong with my plants?
Rose Rosette disease, how do I control it before it kills my knock out rose bushes?
How many months of the year in moderate temperature Northern CA do The Original and BloomStruck hydrangeas bloom?
1 14 15 16 17 18 24